Customer Notification
64-bit Microprocessor
Operating Precautions
Document No. TPS-HE-B-6009-4
Date Published: June 2004
NEC Electronics (Europe) GmbH
Table of Contents
Table of Operating Precautions .............................................................................................4
Description of Operating Precautions...................................................................................5
Valid Specification.................................................................................................................10
Revision History ....................................................................................................................11
Customer Notification
Operating Precautions for VR4133 TM
(A) Table of Operating Precautions
Rank Note
Simultaneous locking of cache lines with
the same index
Reception of non IEEE802.3 conformant
Register content in Ether0/1 blocks
Read access from external PCI master
Write access to external I/O area
Branch delay slot of JAL(X) instruction in
MIPS16 mode
Disconnect at the end of PCI burst cycle
Ethernet: receive short packet
Ethernet: excessive data transfer into
Ethernet: transmit short packet
Usage PCI and Ether/CEU/BCU/CSI (using
DMA mode) simultaneously
Bus arbitration of Internal Bus Arbiter
XX-Bit of CP0 status register
PCI DMA function
ꢁ: Not applicable
ꢀ: applicable
Note: The rank is indicated by the letter appearing at the 5th position from the left in the lot number,
marked on each product.
Customer Notification
Operating Precautions for VR4133 TM
(B) Description of Operating Precautions
No. 1
Simultaneous locking of cache lines with the same index
(Specification change notice)
Simultaneous locking of two cache lines with the same index (i.e. in both cache ways) is
No. 2
Reception of non IEEE802.3 conformant packages
(Specification change notice)
In case of the reception of a non-IEEE802.3 conformant 18-Byte length Ethernet packet, the
internal flow control logic, statistic counter and receive status indicator may no longer work
properly. To avoid this situation, control Ethernet reception as follows:
(1) Check the FTTYP(27:25) bits of the receive descriptor. If the FTTYP descriptor indicates
a control frame or a pause control frame, check the frame type additionally by inspecting
the Length/Type field of the Ethernet frame. If this is inconsistent with the content of the
FTTYP bits, ignore the FTTYP bits.
(2) Additionally the following statistics counters must be adjusted based on the content of the
Length/Type field:
RXCFC0/1 (0x0f00 1554/1854)
RXPFC0/1 (0x0f00 1558/1858)
RXUOC0/1 (0x0f00 155c/185c)
(3) Flow control must be stopped by setting the RXCF bit in the MACC10/1 registers
(0x0f00 1400/1700) to 0y0.
No. 3
Register content in Ether0/1 blocks
(Direction of usage)
When burst cycles occur on the internal bus, the content of registers in the Ether0/1 blocks can
be changed accidentally, because data information is mistaken as address. To avoid this, the
following countermeasures must be taken:
(1) The data cache must not be used.
(2) The processor must be run in 32-bit mode.
(3) The processor must be operated in user- or supervisor mode.
(4) The DTBS(1:0) bits in the XMT_CFGR0/1 registers (0x0f00 1600/1900)must be set
to 0y00.
No. 4
Read access from external PCI master
(Specification change notice)
In case that an external PCI master tries to read data from VR4133 memory via PCI DMA,
VR4133 may respond with wrong read data. To avoid this situation, one of the following
countermeasures must be taken:
(1) Do not use PCI DMA (memory -> PCI).
(2) If PCI DMA is used, don’t use an external PCI master, that issues read requests to VR4133.
Customer Notification
Operating Precautions for VR4133 TM
No. 5
Write access to external I/O area
(Direction of usage)
A write cycle to external I/O or Flash area after
• a CPU read/write access to a BCU-managed registersNote
• or a CPU I/O read after a bus hold
• or a DMA I/O read after a bus hold
• or a Flash memory read
may drive the wrong write data. To avoid this situation, one of the following workarounds must be
(1) execute a dummy register access to a non-BCU-managed registerNote
(2) execute a dummy external I/O write or Flash write before the actually intended external
Note: BCU-managed registers are all registers except
SCU registers
0x0f001000 – 0x0f001009
0x0f000400 – 0x0f000409
0x0f000c00 – 0x0f000d43
0x0f001400 – 0x0f00193f
0x0f000e00 – 0x0f000e7f
SDRAMU registers
PCIU registers
ETHER registers
CEU registers
No. 6
Branch delay slot of JAL(X) instruction in MIPS16 mode
(Specification change notice)
A load of PC relative instruction must not be placed in the delay slot of a JAL(X) instruction in
MIPS16 mode. Therefore one of the following countermeasures must be taken:
(1) Do not locate a load of PC relative instruction in the delay slot of a JAL(X) instruction in
MIPS16 mode.
(2) Do not use JAL(X) instructions in MIPS16 mode; use JAL(X) in native mode instead.
As implementing these countermeasures requires changes in the compilers, MIPS16 will be
deleted from the VR4133 specification.
Customer Notification
Operating Precautions for VR4133 TM
No. 7
Disconnect at the end of PCI burst cycle
(Specification change notice)
The last transfer of a PCI burst cycle is regarded as a disconnect cycle by VR4133, if STOP# and
TRDY# are both asserted during the last-but-one data cycle, as shown in the following figure:
mis-understanding as disconnect
D0 ,D1,D2 are burst data; D3 is last burst data and D2 is last-but-one burst data.
TRDY# and IRDY# are both asserted during D2 and D3. So data transfer of D2 and D3
is finished. But because of this restriction, VR4133 mis-interpreting data phase as if it is
disconnected at D2. Therefore D3 cycle is performed again.
Therefore one of the following workarounds must be implemented:
(1) Do not use PCI-DMA function.
(2) Do not use LD and SD instructions and do not locate PCI memory and I/O areas in
cached memory region of the CPU, so that burst cycles as shown above are not
No. 8
Ethernet: receive short packet
(Documentation errata)
The packet size of VLAN is designed for minimum 68 bytes length, but this is not described in
user’s manual.
If a VLAN packet is received with a length of 64-67-byte (less than 68 byte), VR4133 will be
judged it as a short packet, and a packet will be discarded.
Using a packet with a length of less than 68 bytes can be realized by the following method:
Set a ‘special value’ into VLTP (15:0) of VLTP0/1 (0x0f001464 / 0x0f001764) register. The
‘special value' has not to be a VLAN type, which you want to receive. The data can be received
as a usual packet, and judged as a VLAN packet by software. In this case, following items are
different from usual VLAN procedure.
All the VLAN packets recognized by the TYPE field of receiving descriptor status are
described as normal packets.
The statistics counter R64C0/1, R127C0/1, R255C0/1, R511C0/1, R1KC 0/1 and
RMAXC0/1 count normal packets.
Customer Notification
Operating Precautions for VR4133 TM
No. 9
Ethernet: excessive data transfer into memory
(Direction of usage)
If two or more packets are received continuously, excessive data may be written at the end of a
packet. The length of excessive data depends on the value of the DRBS0/1 bits of register
RCV_CFGR0/1 (0x0f00 1618 / 0x0f00 1918) and becomes up to [burst length -1].
Therefore one of the following workarounds must be implemented:
Set up burst size as 1 word (4 bytes) by RCV_CFGR0/1 (0x0f00 1618 / 0x0f00 1918).
Allocate the size of the receiving buffer on a memory as [receiving maximum packet
length] + [burst size - 1].
No. 10
Ethernet: transmit short packet
(Direction of usage)
If following two conditions are both satisfied, the internal DMA controller reads DMA buffer at the
same address repeatedly and the ether MAC misunderstands it as a jumbo-frame and a transmit
abort may occur, though the length of actual transmitted packet is shorter than the setting of
LMAX0/1 (0x0f001414 / 0x0f001714) register:
The length of transmitted packet (indicated by SIZE[15:0]) is longer than the setting of
DTBS bit of XMT_CFGR0/1(0x0f001600 / 0x0f001900) register and the packet length is
less than 32 bytes; or the burst size set by the DTBS bit is 8 words (32 bytes) and the
descriptor buffer size is 30 or 31 bytes.
The physical buffer address pointer, which is indicated by transmit descriptor is not
Therefore one of the following workarounds must be implemented:
Set 8-word (32bytes) to the burst size of DTBS in XMT_CFGR0/1(0x0f001600 /
0x0f001900). If the descriptor size is 30 or 31 bytes, set a word-aligned address as the
physical address value indicated by the transmit descriptor.
Set word-aligned address to the physical buffer address pointer, which is indicated by
transmits descriptor.
Set 32-bytes or more to SIZE[15:0] of transmit descriptor.
Customer Notification
Operating Precautions for VR4133 TM
No. 11
Usage PCI and Ether/CEU/BCU/CSI (using DMA mode) simultaneously
(Direction of usage)
Using PCI and Ether / CEU / BCU / CSI (using DMA mode) simultaneously may occur a hang-
up, if following 3 conditions are all satisfied:
CPU reads PCI bus or PCIU register (0x0f000cxx / 0x0f000dxx).
External PCI master reads or writes SDRAM connected to VR4133.
When using DMA between Ether/CEU/external I/O(ROM)/CSI and SDRAM.
To avoid this situation, the following workaround must be implemented:
Set 1 to CONFIG_DONE bit of PCIENREG (0x0f000c34) before and after PCI read from.
LW t0,0xAF00
SW zero,0x0C34(t0) /* CONFIG_DONE <-0 */
LW zero,0x0000(t0) /* read back CONFIG_DONE bit */
LW rx,0(ry)
LI t1,4
SW t1,0x0C34(t0)
/* PCI bus or PCIU read from CPU */
/* CONFIG_DONE <- 1 */
No. 12
Bus arbitration of Internal Bus Arbiter
(Direction of usage)
If an internal bus request occurs from Ethernet controller and another bus master such as PCI /
BCU / CSI(using DMA) / CEU / CPU / or another Ethernet controller, the internal bus arbiter may
ignore bus arbitration setting of SCUARBITSELREG and gives bus priority to Ethernet controller
To prevent this situation use following setting:
DRBS0 of RCV_CFGR0/1(0x0f001618/0x0f001918) = 1 and
DRBS1 of RCV_CFGR0/1(0x0f001618/0x0f001918) = 0.
This setting selects a 2 words burst size. In this case the internal bus arbiter can arbitrate to other
bus master as well.
No. 13
XX-Bit of CP0 status register
(Direction of usage)
The XX-Bit (bit 31) of the CP0 status register does only affect LLD and SCD instructions in 32-bit
supervisor mode and 32-bit user mode. These instructions cause in user or supervisor mode a
reserved instruction exception, if XX-Bit=0. LL instruction, SC instruction LLD instruction (64-bit
mode only) and SCD instruction (64-bit mode only) do not cause a reserved instruction exception
in any case.
This description will be added within the documentation of the VR4133.
No. 14
PCI DMA function
(Specification change notice)
The VR4133 PCIU's DMA function (VR4133 operates as PCI master and performs DMA transfer
between memory and external PCI device) can not longer be used.
Customer Notification
Operating Precautions for VR4133 TM
(D) Revision History
Date published
October 2003
January 2004
May 2004
Document No.
1st release
Added item 8 to 12
Modified item 10
Added item 13 and 14
June 2004
Customer Notification
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