Technical Details.....................................................................................................................5
User’s Guide Layout................................................................................................................5
3 Installation Paths............................................................................................. 6
A. Installing Intel® Management Module (IMM) – Advanced Edition......................................6
B. Installing Intel Management Module – Professional Edition ...............................................6
F. Not installing Intel Server Manager.....................................................................................6
Save Configuration to Disk Option..........................................................................................6
Unattended Configuration – ....................................................................................................6
5 Getting Started ................................................................................................ 8
Booting the Server ..................................................................................................................8
Server Probing ........................................................................................................................8
Start Screen ............................................................................................................................9
Initial Options ..........................................................................................................................9
6 SCW Screens................................................................................................. 10
Intel® Server Management (ISM) Question..........................................................................10
Unattended Configuration and Cloning/Restore Option........................................................10
Configure FRU/SDRs............................................................................................................11
BIOS Date and Time:............................................................................................................12
Setting a System Asset Tag..................................................................................................12
Channel Configuration (LANs and Serial/Modem)................................................................13
LAN Channel Screens...........................................................................................................14
LAN Channel, Screen 1 – Addresses...........................................................................14
Access Levels – Admin Level is strongly suggested.............................................................16
LAN Channel, Screen 3 – Alerts ..................................................................................17
LAN Alert Filters....................................................................................................................18
Configuring the Serial/Modem Channel ................................................................................19
Serial/Modem Screen 1 – Modem Setup .....................................................................19
Serial/Modem Screen 3 – Alerting................................................................................21
Serial Alert Filters..................................................................................................................22
Configuring Users – Selection Screen ..................................................................................23
Settings Available per User..........................................................................................24
User’s Guide for Server Configuration Wizard (SCW) Utility
Configuring the Advanced Features......................................................................................25
Advanced Screen 2 – Web Configuration ....................................................................26
Advanced Screen 3 – SMTP Alert Settings..................................................................26
8 Set and Save the Configuration.................................................................. 27
Install an Operating System (certain platforms only):...................................................27
9 Server Configuration Utilities....................................................................... 27
To format a removable media device as FAT 16: ........................................................30
To enable USB devices in the BIOS for DOS ..............................................................30
Screen Layout Syntax....................................................................................................7
Start Screen ...................................................................................................................9
First Choices ..................................................................................................................9
ISM or SCW? ...............................................................................................................10
Unattended Configuration (Clone Install).....................................................................10
Typical SDR Question .................................................................................................11
Date and Time..............................................................................................................12
System Asset Tag........................................................................................................12
Channels to Configure .................................................................................................13
10. LAN Screen 1 – IP Configuration.................................................................................14
11. Address Resolution......................................................................................................15
12. LAN Screen 2: OOB, SOL............................................................................................16
13. LAN Screen 3: Alerts....................................................................................................17
14. LAN Alert Filters...........................................................................................................18
15. Serial 1: Modem Configuration.....................................................................................19
16. Serial 2: Privilege and Mode ........................................................................................20
17. Serial 3: Alerts..............................................................................................................21
18. Serial Alert Filters.........................................................................................................22
19. User Selection..............................................................................................................23
20. User Configuration .......................................................................................................24
21. Advanced Screen 1 – Telenet, KVM............................................................................25
22. Advanced Screen 2 – Web ..........................................................................................26
23. Advanced Screen 3 – Alert Contents...........................................................................27
24.` Save to Media Option ..................................................................................................28
25. Separate Utilities..........................................................................................................28
26. Disk Set Selection........................................................................................................29
1 Overview of Server Configuration Wizard
The Server Configuration Wizard (SCW) is a combination of multiple utilities and data files that
allow quick initial configuration of an Intel® Server.
The SCW utility is available on the Intel® Server Deployment Toolkit CD, which can be used to
boot the server. SCW is a DOS-based application, run from the CD’s ROM-DOS, that gathers
system information plus installation and configuration preferences, stores them to non-volatile
memory, and then performs the Server configuration. The Wizard will appear as a Windows-style
GUI to help the user choose which options to configure from this tool.
SCW can also run in ‘silent’ mode using a previously saved server configuration file from
removable media (formatted fat16).
SCW can
Load FRUs and SDRs (Field Replaceable Units and Sensor Data Records)
Create startup diskette and installation diskettes for drivers
Allow utilities to be run separately by expert users
Set the:
- System Asset Tag
- LAN, Serial, and Advanced LAN Channels.
- OOB (Out of band) management settings – for Server Management without using the OS
- Intel® Management Module (IMM) Advanced Features
- User configurations for Advanced Features
- BIOS System date and time
Beyond date/time, SCW neither installs nor updates the BMC or BIOS.
Help and error messages are provided throughout the process.
Technical Details
SCW supports IPMI 1.5 and 2.0 compatible platforms.
The autoexec and config.sys files on the Intel Deployment Toolkit CD launch ROM-DOS, setup a
RAMdrive, and run the SCW batch file. The SCW batch file checks for the RAMdrive and copies
the required utilities and data files to that drive. The Wizard presents a GUI menu set for the user to
choose which setup options to run. Error messages will display (if needed) from the GUI and the
DOS utilities for troubleshooting.
User’s Guide Layout
On the next page are quick links to major topics and suggested paths through SCW based on
installation. The rest of the document body is a screen by screen explanation of SCW. The
Appendices contain the Glossary and instructions for formatting and enabling removable media.
2 Quick Links (for Experienced Users of SCW)
Make Device Driver Diskettes by Operating System or by Device
From Disk Install for unattended Configuration, Cloning, or to restore previous settings
Add System Asset Tag
Configure User Accounts
Advanced Settings for Intel® Management Module – Advanced Edition
3 Installation Paths
A. Installing Intel® Management Module (IMM) – Advanced Edition
B. Installing Intel Management Module – Professional Edition
C, D, and E. Installing Intel Server Manager – with Agents (Full, Minimal, None)
F. Not installing Intel Server Manager
Table 1: Hardware Configurations and Suggested Installation
Prof Ed Full Ag Minim No Agt ISM
BMC no ISM8x
Answer ISM ?
Asset Tag
LAN Ch 1
IMM Adv. C3
Modem C4
Multi Users
Save Configuration to Disk Option
Unattended Configuration –
previous Settings)
4 General Wizard Format and Syntax
Configuration options will be presented in a Wizard. Current settings will be displayed and can be
accepted or changed. Square checkboxes allow multiple choices in a section. Round radio buttons
allow one choice per section (exclusive). The basic layout of each screen is:
Figure 1. Screen Layout Syntax
Title Bar
Gives Version of SCW
Screen Title and Description Area (left half Explains purpose of the particular screen and
of screen)
provides general instructions
Data Entry Area (right half of screen)
Shows the configuration data required for that
section’s setting.
Common Buttons
Returns to previous screen, choices
Quits the program without saving
Provides additional information
Accepts the settings and moves to the next
User’s Guide for Server Configuration Wizard (SCW) Utility
5 Getting Started
Booting the Server
When booting the server from an Intel Server Deployment Toolkit CD, the startup files
(autoexec.bat and config.sys) will create a RAMdrive. This RAMdrive will be used as a temporary
storage area for the different components of the utility. Information on the RAMdrive is lost on
power off or reboot.
Server Probing
SCW will probe the server and store the component information to data files.
Probed areas include the:
FRU (Field Replaceable Unit) devices
SDRs (Sensor Data Records)
BIOS and Firmware versions
Configured Users
Intel Management Modules
Start Screen
When the Wizard starts, the following Welcome screen is displayed.
Figure 2. Start Screen
Initial Options
Choose Server Configuration Wizard to configure Channels, Users, and Advanced Settings.
Choose Create Diskettes to place device drivers on removable media.
Choose Server Configuration Utilities to view which DOS Utilities can be run separately for this
Figure 3. First Choices
User’s Guide for Server Configuration Wizard (SCW) Utility
6 Configuration Screens
Intel® Server Management (ISM) Question
Both SCW and ISM have options to configure certain sections of the server’s firmware.
By default, servers with the Intel® Management Module should:
Load FRUs and SDRs (can be done with SCW or FRU/SDR utility)
Configure Channels (can be done with SCW or ISM)
Configure Users and Advanced Features (Advanced module). (Use SCW only)
Figure 4. Configuration via ISM or SCW?
The Wizard will ask if ISM will be installed, but this question is actually asking which utility
should be used to setup the Channels and Users.
Yes: Uses ISM to configure the Channels and Users. If Yes is selected, only a limited SCW
Configuration Options screen will appear. (See explanations of components starting at Section 7.)
The options to configure Users and Channels will NOT appear. Choose yes for:
Servers with an Intel Management Module – Professional Edition installed.
No: Allows SCW to setup all the components. Shows Users and Channels. Choose No for:
Servers where ISM will not be installed
Servers where ISM will be installed using the “No Agents” option.
Servers with an Intel Management Module – Advanced Edition installed.
NOTE: An ISM install after SCW configuration will overwrite some of the SCW settings.
Unattended Configuration and Cloning/Restore Option
The configuration choices may be saved to a removable media device. The saved files may be used
to later install the settings without user intervention or to restore to a particular series of settings on
the same or an identical server To use a saved file, choose Load from Diskette (may be any
viewable removable media – see Appendix B.)
Figure 5. Silent Install
7 Selecting Options to Configure – Main Page
The initial options screen shows subgroups of components that SCW is capable of configuring. To
have SCW perform the configuration, the component must be checked on this menu. Items without
check marks will NOT be configured by SCW and will not appear in subsequent screens. Whether
or not the component is checked, it is still available on the server. If no items are checked, the
Continue Button will be disabled.
Defaults vary by platform but are shown by the following groups.
FRUSDR Configuration Options – choose which record sets to update
System Asset Tag
Remote Management (OOB) Options - access and alerts over LAN or Serial/Modem
Advanced Features Options – to set up IMM-Advanced Edition features (Telnet, SNMP, Web
Server, E-Mail, and ARSC (KVM).
Options may not always appear in the order that is listed here.
Configure FRU/SDRs
Intel® Servers come with FRU/SDRs pre-loaded but newer files may be available from the Intel
support website. Check under the specific platform at
SCW only supports loading ASCII FRU data from a file named SCW_<platform>.cfg where the
<platform> designation is 3 characters long and designates the platform name.
Additionally, SCW will ask a series of questions to determine the exact configuration of the
platform and which options are desired. Choose the answer that most closely matches your
hardware configuration so the proper records will be loaded. The number of screens varies by
Figure 6. Typical SDR Question
User’s Guide for Server Configuration Wizard (SCW) Utility
BIOS Date and Time:
This screen also displays the BIOS, HSC, PIA, and Firmware versions.
Figure 7. BIOS Date and Time
Setting a System Asset Tag
Figure 8. System Asset Tag
Acts as serial number or ID for the server.
The Continue button will be disabled until a System Asset Tag has been entered. If you do not
wish to set a Tag Number, do not choose this option in the Main Select Options screen.
Format is from 2 to the maximum number allowed by the specific platform’s FRU Area of text
or numeric characters.
Channel Configuration (LANs and Serial/Modem)
The number of channels available depends on the platform. Not all channels must be configured.
Figure 9. Channels to Configure
Channel 1
The onboard NIC1. On servers with dual ports onboard, the second
NIC is not configured by SCW. This NIC can be used either OOB or
through the OS. On SE7520VP2, NIC2 is used.
Channel 4
Channel 3
For a modem attached to the Serial port.
Available only for the Advanced Module GCM NIC providing Telnet,
Web, SMTP, SNMP and ARSC support. Available only through the
GCM (Advanced Module) NIC.
User’s Guide for Server Configuration Wizard (SCW) Utility
LAN Channel Screens
LAN Channels 1 and 3 use similar configuration screens, which will be illustrated here only once.
Items that apply only for the GCM NIC (default is Channel 3) will not appear or will be grayed out
when the standard NIC is chosen. Advanced Features configuration is separate from GCM NIC
Channel configuration.
LAN Configuration, Screen 1 – Configure IP
Steps to complete Screen 1:
1. Choose Static IP or DHCP setup.
The GCM NIC should have a static IP.
If DHCP is chosen, all other entries will be filled in automatically.
If Static is chosen, the option to Continue will not be available until all required entries are
completed. .
2. (Only required if Static is chosen.) Enter the server’s IP address and subnet mask and gateway.
If less than three digits are required for a subsection of the address, either use the mouse or
the tab key to move to the next subsection.
3. (Only required if DHCP does not preset the gateway.) Either enter the MAC address of the
Gateway or click Resolve Gateway MAC Address (described in the next section).
— The Backup Gateway IP address is optional
Figure 10. LAN Screen 1 – IP Configuration
Resolve Gateway MAC Address
Figure 11. Address Resolution
If Alerts must cross subnets, the software will attempt to verify the gateway address to reach the
Alert Destination. The Alert Destination is the console receiving the alert message from the
configured server. It will use an entered MAC address or attempt to find the IP address for the Alert
Destination system if the checkbox is checked.
Automatic resolution will fail if:
Network cable is not connected at both ends
IP address configuration is invalid
Incorrect network configuration.
After resolving a failure, press the Resolve MAC Address button again or enter the MAC address
of the destination system (in 6 dotted octets).
If skipped, Alerts will be broadcast on the local subnet.
User’s Guide for Server Configuration Wizard (SCW) Utility
LAN Channel, Screen 2 – Configure Out of Band (OOB) Access
Figure 12. LAN Screen 2 – OOB and SOL Setup
This screens sets up NIC1 or the GCM NIC for Out of Band access. Also sets up SOL (Serial over
LAN) on NIC1.
Enable LAN Access: Enable access to the BMC when OOB..
Enable Serial Over LAN (SOL): Allows access over the network to the Serial channel.
Access Levels
LAN Privilege Level Limit Dropdown List or LAN Access Mode
SOL Privilege Level Limit Dropdown List or SOL Access Mode
The Privilege Level Limit sets the lowest sign-in level that will be allowed access. Choosing
Administrator provides the most security. Choices are:
¾ User: Only able to use read commands Sometimes listed as the option Always.
¾ Operator: All BMC commands are allowed, except for any configuration change of
the OOB interface that would block access, such as disabling channels.
¾ Administrator: All BMC commands are allowed, including disabling a channel
which would block all further access and cannot be recovered remotely. (Sometimes
listed as the option Restricted
¾ Not enabled
SOL Number of Retries: 1-7
SOL Retry Interval: 1 to 255
SOL Baud Rate: 9600bps, 19.2kbps (recommended), 38.4kbps, 57.6kbps or 115.2kbps
LAN Channel, Screen 3 – Alerts
Alerts can be sent over the network from the NIC or via e-mail (system dependent). The
information needed is configured on Screen 3.
Figure 13. LAN Screen 3 – Alerts
Enable LAN Alerting : Must be checked for alerts to be sent.
Alert Destination Console 1 IP Address
Alert Destination Console 2 IP Address
Enter the IP address of the preferred Console(s) to receive the alerts.
Check the checkboxes to Resolve Destination MAC Addresses (earlier versions had the text
Resolve Gateway) or Fill in the Destination MAC number.
SNMP Community String: Required field in the SNMP traps header. If not set, will default
to “public”. Can be 5-18 characters in length.
LAN Alert Filters button will bring up the next screen (see next section).
The bottom 3 check boxes provide the option to replace LAN alerts with email alerts on systems
with the Intel® Management Module – Advanced Edition. To do so, the IP address used by the
SMTP service must be entered for either the first or second destination address.
No Email (default when IMM - Professional Edition is installed)
Send Email Alerts via LAN Alert IP Address 1
Send Email Alerts via LAN Alert IP Address 2
User’s Guide for Server Configuration Wizard (SCW) Utility
LAN Alert Filters
If the user presses the LAN Alert Filters button on Screen 3 of LAN configuration, the available
filters for LAN alerts (or email alerts with the Advanced module) are listed.
Each item is an event that, if checked, will trigger an alert if that feature crosses the upper or lower
threshold. .
Choose on an individual basis, or choose none or all.
The Select All and Clear All buttons are provided for convenience.
Figure 14. LAN Alert Filters
Configuring the Serial/Modem Channel
This option allows the setup of a modem on the Serial Channel (default channel 4). Information on
the modem’s strings is required and 3 screens are used to cover the options.
The first screen sets data specific to configuring the modem.
The second screen sets data specific to the access modes.
The last screen sets data specific to paging, if paging is desired for alerting from this server.
Serial/Modem Screen 1 – Modem Setup
Figure 15. Serial 1 – Modem Configuration
Accept defaults or provide the required modem strings:
ESC Sequence: Max 5 characters, first string sent to clarify modem communication.
Hang up String: Terminates session. Max 7 characters with an automatic ‘Enter’ added by the
Modem Init String: Initializes channel connection.
Modem Dial Command: ATD for tone dial.
Modem Ring Time: Number of rings
‘Continue’ will not be available until all settings are entered.
User’s Guide for Server Configuration Wizard (SCW) Utility
Serial/Modem Screen 2 – Remote Server Management
Figure 16. Serial 2 – Privilege and Mode
Enable Access: Allows OOB server management access via Modem on the serial channel
Note: Some platforms used Access Mode and Restricted Mode instead of PrivLevel.
Access Mode options are: Preboot only| Always| Disabled.
• Where Preboot sets to on at power down or hard reset.
Restricted Mode options are: Enabled | Disabled.
• Where enabled means one cannot disable the system
Connection Mode: Provides 2 choices
Direct – connected via a null modem cable to another system.
Modem Mode – connected to an external modem to connect to another system.
System Phone Number (optional): Enter the phone number of this system (not phone to dial).
Serial/Modem Screen 3 – Alerting
Figure 17. Serial 3 – Alerts
Enable Paging: If enabled, sends alerts.
Alert Destination Phone Number: Phone number of the device to Receive the alerts. Device
can be a pager, cell phone, modem of managing system.
Paging String: Characters sent after connect. This is concatenated with the Alert Destination
Phone Number so do not add twice.
Blackout Period: Time, in minutes, between successive alerts. Numeric value between 0 and
255. 0 will disable the black period.
Alert Paging Filters: Launches the next screen to configure the alerts.
User’s Guide for Server Configuration Wizard (SCW) Utility
Serial Alert Filters
Similar to LAN Alert Filters screen, this configures the alerts to be used on the Serial Channel.
Each item lists a filter that if checked, will send an alert if either threshold is crossed. Choose from
none to all on an individual basis.
The Select All and Clear All buttons are provided for convenience.
Figure 18. Serial Alert Filters
Configuring Channel 3: GCM NIC (Advanced LAN)
Configuring Users – Selection Screen
Up to 4 users can be configured for OOB Server Management access, depending on the platform.
Click to place a checkmark in the box on each of the Users you wish to setup.
Figure 19. User Selection
Choices are which of the 4 Users to configure.
Choosing multiple Users or Select All will run through the User screens for each User #.
Clear All will clear previous selection.
Set up is per user per channel for OOB access.
User’s Guide for Server Configuration Wizard (SCW) Utility
Settings Available per User
Screens are similar for all users except if multiple users are chosen on the Advanced Module, User
1 (if enabled) must be the anonymous user.
Figure 20. User Configuration
Enable User: If this box is checked, this user will be able to log into the BMC.
User Name
User 1 defaults to anonymous. All other users are customizable.
Set Password for this User : Allows entry of password for each user.
If IMM-Advanced Edition is installed, these additional options will be available:
Enable HTTP for this User: Must be checked to allow access to the Web Server on the
Advanced Module.
Enable HTTPS for this User: Must be checked to allow access to the Web Server over secure
connection. HTTPS is only available in some releases
Enable Telnet for this User: Must be checked to allow Telnet access for this user.
Configuring the Advanced Features
The IMM – Advanced Edition provides multiple additional options for OOB management,
provided regardless of the state of the OS using the GCM NIC.
SNMP – ability to manage via SNMP gets, sets, and traps.
KVM (ARSC) – Advanced Remote Server Console providing full access to the managed
server by controlling the redirected Keyboard, Mouse, and Video. Video is compressed and
Telnet – ability to telnet into the BMC and use commands from the console or a script.
Commands use the CLI syntax (not IPMI syntax). IPMI sessions require password and close
on logout.
Web Server – HTTP and HTTPS access to the BMC’s web server.
SMTP Alerts (e-mail) – Provides alerts from the BMC even when the OS is not running.
Advanced Screen 1 – SNMP, KVM and Telnet Configuration
Figure 21. Advanced Screen 1 – Telnet, KVM
SNMP Enable: SNMP v1, v2 and v3 are supported.
SNMP Port #: Default port number is 161. Range is 1 – 65535.
KVM Enable: Allows use of ARSC viewer on managing console.
Telnet Enable: Allows telnet session into the BMC
Telnet Port #: Default port is 23. Range is 1-65535
Port numbers for SNMP, Telnet, HTTP and HTTPS should not be shared between services.
User’s Guide for Server Configuration Wizard (SCW) Utility
Advanced Features Screen 2 – Web Configuration
Figure 22. Advanced Screen 2 – Web
Enable HTTP: When enabled, HTTP sockets are opened and threads enabled.
HTTP Port #: Default port number is 80. Range is 1-6553
HTTP Host Name: Domain name and HTTP host name of this server.
Enable HTTPS: HTTP with SSL encryption. Only available on some versions.
HTTPS Port #: Default port number is 80. Range is 1-65535
Advanced Features Screen 3 – SMTP Alert Settings
SMTP Alerts may be sent via SMTP (email) as well as through the standard IPMI alerting methods.
These email alerts from the BMC can be sent even when the OS is not running.
Figure 23. Advanced Screen 3 – Alert Contents
Sender Machine Name: Local machine name that will appear in the alert e-mail message.
From Address: The e-mail address that will show in the from field (should identify the server).
To Address: Must be a valid e-mail address of the device/person to receive the e-mail.
Mail Subject: Any text string but recommended to describe the system for easy management
of multiple systems.
8 Set and Save the Configuration
By default, the configuration is saved only to the local server and not to a file. If you wish to save
the configuration for later restoration on this server or for unattended configuration on an identical
server model, place a checkmark in the Save Server Configuration to Disk box. A Windows style
GUI is used to find the file location. The configuration may be saved to any removable media that
is formatted for FAT (FAT16) that is visible to the utility. (See Appendix B.)
Figure 24. Save to Disk Option
Install an Operating System (certain platforms only): This option
reminds the user that they may insert the OS installation CD so that it will automatically start
loading after a reboot (if not already installed).
Actual Configuration of this server will start after the Continue button on the last screen is
pressed. The wizard will exit so that additional configuration changes cannot be made and the
configuration utilities will set up the server. The server will then be rebooted.
9 Server Configuration Utilities
There are multiple underlying utilities that SCW uses to perform the actual configuration or that are
available in the DOS partition. Most are platform dependent as is the list of which will be shown in
SCW. The DOS partition utilities include:
SYSCFG – shown as Run System Setup Utility. Used to configure BIOS, Users, and Channels
FRUSDR – shown as Run FRU/SDR Load Utility
Run Platform Confidence Test– Actual executable name varies –not run unless checked here..
BMCCFG – Probes and sets the BMC Only run from SCW, not separately.
FSPROBE – Probes the FRUs. Only runs from SCW, not separately.
FRU and SDR Viewers –for specialized advanced uses – not run from SCW.
FWPIAUPD – used to update (not configure) BMC firmware. Not run from SCW.
Figure 25. Separate Utilities
Choosing Continue will run the selected utility and then return user to the SCW User Interface.
Removable media can be used to save configurations from these utilities if properly formatted
and visible to the utility. (See Appendix B).
User’s Guide for Server Configuration Wizard (SCW) Utility
10 Loading a Configuration from a Diskette
identical machines to run SCW in unattended mode. The GUI displays the standard Windows
interface to help locate the file. Settings from this file will be written to the server and a reboot
should occur.
11 Creating Diskettes
SCW provides the option to place the OS level Device Drivers on removable media. Choose drivers
by OS or drivers per device. Multiple selections may be made at one time on the drivers or OS
screens and available choices vary by platform.
Figure 26. Disk Set Selection
Continue will switch to DOS to place the drivers onto the media.
If multiple disks are needed, SCW will prompt for them.
Any removable media may be used that is formatted for FAT16 and is seen by the utility. (See
also Appendix B).
Appendix A. Acronyms and Glossary
LAN, Modem, or email notifications
Advanced Remote Server Control (KVM redirect)
Baseboard Management Controller – found on the IMM
Platform Confidence Test
Command Line Interface
File Allocation Table, FAT 16 is a DOS 6.22 file format. DOS 7.1
and Windows after Windows 98 use FAT32 or NTFS.
Field Replaceable Units
Advanced Module NIC (Generic Communication Module)
Graphic User Interface
Hot Swap Back Plane or Hot Swap Controller
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
HTTP with SSL encryption.
Intelligent Platform Management Interface
Intel Management Module (Professional and Advanced Edition
Intel Server Manager
ARSC, Keyboard/Video/Mouse redirection
Local Area Network
Network Interface Controller (LAN connection)
Out of band
Privilege Level
Sending Alerts
User, Operator or Admin access levels
Server Configuration Wizard
Sensor Data Records
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
Simple Network Management Protocol
Serial over LAN
User’s Guide for Server Configuration Wizard (SCW) Utility
Appendix B. Removable Media Considerations
1. Required Format:
The working environment of the Intel® Server Resource Toolkit CD at boot and hence the
environment for SCW and the other utilities for the SE 73xx, SE75xx and SE8500 platforms is
ROM-DOS, which uses the FAT16 file format. Only media that is formatted as FAT or FAT 16
(but not NTFS or FAT32) may be used for file saves. (This applies to hard drives, floppy drives,
USB keys, USB floppy drives, et al)
To format a removable media device as FAT 16:
1. Boot the system from the Toolkit CD or from an MS-DOS 6.22 or earlier DOS floppy.
2. If the USB key has already been formatted, use fdisk to delete the existing partition. (This can be
avoided if there is non formatted space on the media which can be used to create another partition).
Create a new partition, activate that partition, and reboot.
3. From the boot drive (the DOS media) prompt, type “format x:” where x is the drive letter of your
USB device. For example if you booted your server from the Toolkit CD and wish to format a
small partition on the hard drive as FAT you could type:
C:\format e:
Drive C is the CD that was booted from, (not writeable), drive D: is the stateless RAM disk created
by the boot, so hard drive letters would start at E.
4. To make the drive bootable use “format e: /s” to transfer the system files to the new drive.
A bootable removable media device is NOT required for running SCW.
2. Making a USB device viewable from DOS
Intel® Servers based on the chipsets listed in this Appendix have a BIOS option that allows ROM-
DOS to see a USB device.
To enable USB devices in the BIOS for DOS access
SE7221, SE732x, and SE752x chipset based Intel® servers
1. Place the USB key into a USB port of the server board. It may be formatted or unformatted.
2. Enter BIOS Setup by pressing F2 during post.
3. Choose the Advanced tab, select USB Configuration, press enter.
4. Choose USB Mass Storage Device Configuration, press enter.
5. Choose Emulation Type and choose the Hard Disk option.
6. Press F10 to Save this configuration and exit the BIOS setup.
7. The USB device will be seen as a hard drive by the BIOS.
SE8500 chipset based Intel® servers
1. Place the USB key into a USB port of the server board.
2. Enter the System Option Menu (press any key at the splash screen just after POST)
3. Choose Boot Maintenance Manager. Then choose boot options, select Legacy Hard Drive Order,
choose Hard Disk Drive_00, and click on your USB device.
4. Save changes, exit the BIOS setup, and reboot.
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